ProSelect 2024r1.2

2024r1.2 - 2024-10-31

* Perfectly Clear retouching not being applied to images during Production runs

* Updating products after reapplying templates

* No longer has error trying close watch window if there are no actions loading into the action selection control

* Clipping rotated product thumbnails if they have a clipping mask and are empty

* Product Editor: Defaulting new products to have no Presentation Option selected, forcing user to select one instead of having one assigned by default

* Correctly adjusting design size based on shape mask image aspect ratio in Product Editor

* Saving rotated overlay image / shape masks into stacked product templates

* Product Type can be selected to be changed when duplicating a product in Pricing and Product Manager 

* Including only non-zero priced items when importing a CSV file

* Showing Confirmation on successful album connection test from File Menu

* No longer flags a change being made when expanding open a Frame and Mat Price Group

* Resetting to default data now restores resources from default location if missing

* No longer has error exporting production packages with digital files in them

* Applying changes to pricing method in edit pricing dialog is now applied to all stacked items when editing root level price item

* Showing correct Size By option for Mats and Frame price groups Fixed Price By Size items

* No longer applying "first" price to all stacked items if assigning a price to zero priced item, now relies on editing stacked items or root item

* Correctly rounding mats and frames when using fixed price by size

* No longer shows red presentation option in info bar unless all openings are filled and there is a $0 price setup

* Printing opening sizes for Traditional Matted Products on Order Report

* Rendering slideshow frames for single products at correct size if it would normally take up 2 cells

* Fixes and updates to default data for GNP Products and Notes

* Showing correct length for video tracks in Resource Manager

* Showing correct product count in Slideshow Product Set Folders, no longer excludes Prints

* Printing Frames and Mats on Order Report for Prints and non Wall grouping products

* Notes icon is shown in review order window when a note is applied to a product

* Refreshing thumbnail for a Wall Grouping Product after applying a Mat

* Ensuring main window popup is closed after on every toolbar action

* Updating info bar on selection changes from arrow keys or navigation tool button

* Removing / default composite product with no virtual style will always render white background, instead of grey

* Book Page Manager now shows "Page Templates" in group box

* Changing wall groupings objects to Gallery Wraps no longer gives invalid presentation option at object X on save

* If there is more than 1 presentation option with same name from different suppliers, the short supplier code is shown in change product presentation option popup menu

* If a Wall Grouping template is not locked it can change pricing model to Fixed Price by Presentation Option without having to edit the template

* Renamed Title Slide New Folder button to New Group

* Running production on Digital Files with BW and ST local effects now applies them to output images

* Rearranged stacked product pricing windows to have stack selection tool in top group

* Showing warnings when adding and changing stacked products to ensure user knows where changes are being applied. Warnings can be suppressed.

* Showing supplier for Presentation Option in pricing setup windows for products

* Clicking Pricing button in Product and Pricing Manager while selecting the root item of a stacked product now selects All Stacked Items in the pricing dialog

* Updating product thumbnail after removing product crops

* No longer showing Borders in popup menu for Prints as they are aways borders inwards

* Producing prints with mats with "Render in Place" will now use output size in filename

* Managing Prices for a stacked composite will now allow pricing model and prices to be entered when selected sub stacked items

* No longer has error when pressing keyboard when popup menu shown and nothing selected

* Checking for errors on startup with main window trying to draw itself to early

* Fixed error moving paper size folders around when some are expanded

* Updated size selection control in setup logo watermarks to better support folders

* Ensuring totals are being calculated with Wall Groupings with Frames applied

* No longer has error running production with a BW effect on a clean install

* Applying Horizontal Flips, Local Effects and Vignettes on Previews in review orders and production manager

* Hiding price summary in review order window now hides total savings as well

* Prompting user to confirm changes when applying Vignette to an ordered product

* Showing Gallery Wrap Edges as disabled if supplier is unchecked

* Assigning Virtual Style to Wall Grouping can now be undone

* Changing Size of Wall Grouping object can now be undone

* Changing selected Stack of Wall Grouping can now be undone

* Showing correct Product Templates when supplier is disabled in Working With Products Category / Folder Selection

* Updated Price entry field for Mats/ Frame / Extras that are based off a calculation to use a "fixed cost"

* Ensuring "Add Item" button is enabled when trying to add a new Fixed Price by Presentation Option for a Wall Grouping

* Updating Folder counts in Product and Pricing Manager after adding new Print / Gallery Wrap Products

* Dragging a Book Template into Working With Books cover page is now supported

* Production Profile selection tool is now enabled for all product types

* Wall Groupings using Sum of Parts now correctly calculate tax based on each item on order report and review orders window

* Ordering Wall Groupings with missing images now triggers confirmation warning

* Adding album video reference to Slideshow now flags album as needed to be saved

* Updated formatting of Album Videos list

* Updated wording for applying Stamp to each image to be "Apply to Selected Images" to remove confusion

* Order popup menu now shows Wall Grouping Objects listed in left to right order

* Copying book pages from one book to another no longer makes changes to source book

* Rotating openings in Wall Groupings can now be undone

* Applying Mats and Frames can now be undone

* Ensuring thumbnails of products are updated after rotating Wall Grouping opening

* Changing a Digital File's Presentation Option enables the Save button

* Stamps are correctly shown in Production Manager when making changes to where and which stamp is being applied

* Resetting Stamps when removing order against a product

* Ensuring Presentation Options are reset and reassigned when ordering

* Showing correct name for stacked items on Order Report

* Wording changes to confirm dialog shown when removing No images from album

* Stamps are pushed in by the Mat Overlap from applied Traditional Mats

* Removed confirm dialog when trying to change size of an Ordered Wall Grouping, now just shows warning it cannot be changed

* Renaming Mat / Frame groups after toggling folders no longer causes error or incorrect name setting

* Increased column width in Mat Designer to allow custom sizes to be shown

* Dragging Image into the middle of Working With Products thumbnail list no longer causes errors

* Adding Extras to Digital Files no longer stops Printing of Order Report

* Auto fixing incorrect Notes Auto Inject variables from default data

* No longer leaves checkmark against root level Virtual Styles / None when applying Style Changes

* Showing Correct T / N for taxing Order Adjustments in Review Order

* Defaulting Custom Extra's Tax to be same as the base items taxable rate

* Wall Groupings no longer loses Frames on load of album

* Showing "Fixed" price part of Wall Grouping on the title row of the order popup

* Rendering Prints, rotation, flip and tilt when shown in a Room or at Actual Size

* Prints produced from a Traditional Matted Product now use print size and not the overall templates size for production output

* Ensuring Working With Slideshows Random Order toolbar button is enabled when changing to Preview Slideshows View

* Correctly filtering out unchecked Order Adjustments in Add New Order Adjustment dialog

* Printed reports no longer shows Width of an opening twice instead of showing height

* Stamps are now shown in preview of Production Manager for Wall Groupings

* When looking for a default Production Profile to assign to a product with a supplier assigned, any collection based Production Profiles will be chosen first

* Production output folder name uses Face Size for Gallery Wraps

* Production output folder name uses Portrait Orientation when building name so 8x10 and 10x8 sized prints go into same folder

* Working with Slideshows "Faces" are now referred to as "Selection Tab"

* Updated popup menu to better show "go to Product" is not available in Working With Rooms when an image has been dropped directly into a room. This does not create a Product until it is ordered

* Updating product thumbnails after adjusting crop using Alt / Option quick crop when in a Room or being shown at actual size.

* Refreshing Toolbar after dropping images into Working With Products thumbnail view to create new Products

* Locked Supplier based Production Profiles

* Right click "Go to Prices" on a Basic Gallery Wrap Template will now take you to correct section in Product and Pricing Manager
* Reloading Prints and Gallery Wraps in Working With Products Resource area after changing Price List 
* Stacked Book Pages can now use Right Click popup 

* Book Page Manager now refers to Templates and Page Templates

* Book Page Manager now prompts to move Page Templates to Products

* Auto removing any Non Breaking spaces from ProSelect Data file as it can cause internal errors

* Filtering out all Non Breaking spaces from all text entry fields

* Right click on Book Pages now shows go to Book Page Manager

* Presentation Option and Size Popups now better show what is actual setup in Product and Pricing Manager, checking enabled Suppliers, Presentation Options and Product.


* Music preview player now plays at correct volume

* Showing correct export size and export for 4K slideshow videos

* Exporting slideshows with videos too short for transitions no longer stops due to error

* Added Bleeds to Print Products

* Showing local currency symbol instead of $ for all thumbnail tags and price list setup hints in popup menus

* If ProSelect needs to Activate on startup it will now try first and only show Activate Now dialog if that fails

* Showing zero priced product warning in Select Presentation Option and Select Size popups, shows local currency symbol in red

* Showing yellow local currency symbol in Alt / Option popup menu for a Presentation Option / Size that is setup but not at the currently selected Size / Presentation Option. IE changing the size will require a Presentation Option change as well to find a setup product

* Added an Expand All button to the Production Manager, Alt / Option click to Collapse All

* Redirecting users to the Online Help Manual for Perfectly Clear Retouching Warnings

* Merged together Gallery Wrap and Presentation Options in Info Bar popup to allow changing edge depths and presentation options at the same time

* Added View - Show Production Stamps to show stamps on ordered products in Working With Products to help with production cropping

* On Album load, ProSelect checks to see if the file is actually on the local machine and not in a cloud based location. macOS can detect non-local when downloading files.

* Added "Copy Book Pages to Products" to Book Page Manager

* Showing Supplier information in Show Product Info dialog

* Removed supplier limitations so Presentation Options can be assign to Products assigned with a different Supplier

* Added View Menu to hide left image list

* Allowing drag to reorder Production Profiles

* Showing Lock icon next to Production Profiles installed from collections

* Showing duplicate warning in Production Profiles if duplicate names exist

* Showing usage of Production Profile in all popups to help ensure correct Profile is assigned

* Added Order > Clear all Orders, and Order > Clear all Orders and Clients, menu items to allow removal of just the orders

* Graphics blocks are now ignored when check to see if templates can be stacked together, only the openings have to match now

* Showing Lock icon for locked supplier based page templates

* Added a Total line to Traditional Matted item order popup menu

* Added Floricolor and WhiteWall as supported Suppliers

* Info Bar now shows red Presentation Option if it does not exist as a setup Product at the current size

* Added Right Click, Save Multiple Prints / Gallery wraps to a Wall Grouping Template when in Working With Rooms

* Gallery Wraps can now have production stamps automatically assigned based on Settings Dialog

* Added support to reset Production Profile from Production Manager

* Added Settings Option to include mats and frames in price rounding for supplier x markup price items

* Added support to reduce main window sizes by scaling down the toolbar and auto hiding the Working With Bar text for use on lower resolution screens

* Updated logo stamp preview size selection control to better support size folders

* Added update Product Codes to Product & Pricing Manager

* Added "Manage" to Working with Products Category / Folder popup menus

* "Empty" folders and categories are no longer shown in Category / Folder popup menus

* Added new display option to Settings to show zero priced items as $0.00 in red, this is the new default and applies to popup menus

* Support for duplicating multiple Product Templates OR Stacked Items 

* Added support to toggle hide / show prices in review order window

* Showing Overall size as well as print size in Presentation Mode message

* Added Show Info Bar menu item to allow hiding of info bar

* All buttons that show popups will do so when the mouse is pressed down, no longer needing to click the button twice to run an action

* Updated control to revert / undo changes to Product and Price Manager Edit dialogs to better match current theme

* Revert / Undo now available for single item changes to Product and Price Manager Edit dialogs

* Updated all Product and Price Manager Add / Edit dialogs to use new popup selector to allow grouping by supplier and managing elements

* Removed all supplier based limits when creating new Products

* Removed Production Profiles out of Prints, Gallery Wraps, Product Template, Digital Files and moved to Presentation Options

* No longer auto creating Production Profiles on enable of supplier, will now create when setting up Presentation Options

* Presentation Options can now assign a Production Profile for Digital Files and Products. This is used as the default applied when ordering.

* Printing discount applied to Wall Groupings using Sum of Parts in Invoice

* Added "Sum of Parts" pricing method to all Product types, removing order menu setting to allow composites to use prints.

* Removed "Options" button from Production Profile window as profiles are attached to Presentation Options and the tools are no longer needed

2024r1.1 - 2024-08-27

 * Stamps are now correctly applied to Traditional Matted openings, Wall groupings and Composite Openings

 * Ensuring all opened dialog windows are fully visible on the screen they are shown on. If a window is too large it will resize it down to fit within the screen's available space. If cannot resize that small the bottom right corner is anchored to the corner of the screen to ensure cancel and save buttons are visible.
 * Showing only relevant presentation options based on assigned suppliers when added a new price item to a product template in product and pricing manager
 * Showing popup to change a products presentation option now also filters based on if the group is visible

 * Duplicating wall grouping templates with gallery wraps no longer adjusts openings by edge depth
 * Duplicating Product Templates in the Product and Pricing Manager now flags changes to prompt user on Cancel.
 * Undoing a template design change in Product Editor now correctly resizes the template back and sets correct values in input fields
 * When locking the Aspect Ratio of an opening, the list of sizes shown in Product Editor popup menus only shows paper sizes that exactly match the locked ratio. Option / Alt click to show all. Applies to virtual sizes.

 * Allowing locked product templates to add new prices
 * Rendering correct warning icon in Advanced Gallery Wrap pricing setup window

 * Rendering wall groupings at correct DPI on Retina / Scaled displays

 * Rendering drop shadows on items in rooms on Retina / Scaled displays

 * Manage Presentation Options window drag to reorder hint is now correct color

 * Updating Info Bar to show selected item count when changing selection in left image list.

 * No longer raises an error when undoing the deletion of an opening in the Product Editor

 * Skips to next row when Saving changes to Gallery Wrap prices using bottom entry field and Enter Key in Product and Pricing Manager

 * Allows adding of new Openings to Stacked products when there is only 1 stacked product in Product Editor

 * When creating a new Wall Grouping, the default (top most) presentation option is assigned to starting opening.

 * No longer an error in Product Editor, when removing all openings in a Stacked Product and trying to add a new one, or create a new stack.

 * Cleaned up odd characters in csv file being used to import frame prices.

 * Can reorder mat folder without the mat jumping to top of folder

 * When downloading music from online resource, and odd characters are replaced to ensure macOS and windows filename compatibility

 * Exporting orders to csv, no longer raises error if there were digital files or order adjustments in an order

 * Moving Product Category folders no longer causes the moved folder to disappear in some cases
 * Ensuring Option / Alt Drag to move to new folder hint is always visible in Product and Pricing Manager
 * Setting current price list from order popup menu no longer causes errors loading data file.

 * Order Report XML exports containing order adjustments no long cause nil object exception error.


 * No longer shows errors when loading data file on a clean install

 * Made Mat Designer left list resizable
 * In Product Editor, added prefixes to Size, Options and Appearance section titles to make it easier to see difference between product level and opening / object level items.

 * Duplicating a stacked item now duplicates that item and inserts into the stack below it.

 * When Duplicating a product template you can change supplier and presentation options.

 * Shift + Arrow Left / Right now move between Rooms when viewing a room in Working With Rooms

 * Changed Alt / Option + P to be Shift + P to show Pre-touching popup menu in Working With Images

 * When creating a new Wall Grouping Product the selected starting product's presentation option is assigned to the default opening. If this is missing / invalid it will default to top most presentation option.

 * Updated Product & Pricing Manager price entry area to support users being able to change price by option. It now only shows 1 entry field and users can use arrows up and down to move to next / previous items. Also applies to Frame & Mat Prices

 * Changing "Drag to reorder" hint at the bottom of list to "Reorder Disabled" when supplier filtering is applied to Presentation Options window.

 * Closing Export Prices dialog from Product and Pricing Manager after export.

 * Removed character limits on first and last name entry fields in Client Setup

 * Auto enabling "Product" support for some supplier based presentation options

 * When changing the Presentation Option of a supplier based wall grouping opening, the list will be filtered based on the supplier. Alt / Option still shows all.

 * When combining Templates into a Stack, user will be prompted to enter a new name for Stacked Product Template
 * Removed "Duplicate Product Template" toolbar button from Product Editor
 * When duplicating a Stacked Product Template dialog caption changes to show it is a Stacked Product

 * ProSelect Application renamed ProSelect 2024r1 so ProSelect earlier version icons on dekstop and dock icons are not replaced.


* Added support for Adobe Photoshop 2024
