Aug 19, 2024
May 4, 2020

ProSelect XML Order Format

Orders created in ProSelect can be exported out and then imported into other software such as studio management systems. Known systems that currently support importing ProSelect Order data can be found on the Studio Management Area on the Third-Party Links page (under the downloads menu on the website).

Order data can be exported as:

  1. Standard XML - This consists of an XML file containing the order data and an adjacent folder with thumbnail images of the ordered items. This format is generally used to import into desktop applications.
  2. Standard XML for Web - This consists of an XML file in the same format as above but the thumbnail images are embedded in the file as Base64 encoded jpg files. This format is generally used to import into web-based applications.
  3. CSV Text - Comma separated data format file.

The top two formats are recommended for new import projects.

Choosing the Export Format

When Exporting Order data from ProSelect, you can use either the Export Orders menu command (under the Orders menu) or the Export Order button in the Place Order window.


Order Export Options

When using Standard XML for Web format you can select a few options in the Preferences -> Pricing and ordering -> Settings. These are"

(a) Export with Larger Sample Images. This option changes the size of the embedded sample images from 400 pixels to 800 pixels on the long side.

(b) Include Layout Sample Images. This option inserts sample thumbnail images of the complete ordered Layout. Normally just thumbnails of the images used in the Layout are exported.

Standard XML Order Specifications

Download this package: 

This folder includes the following files:


The two export folders contain the data when you export the order from the included Order Export Sample Album.psa (ProSelect album file). The order includes one of every possible data type. The file labeled "COMMENTED" includes additional descriptions formatted as

//comment line

The commented file applies to both the Standard XML and Standard XML for Web formats. 


KnowledgeBase Article: ProSelect XML Order Format