Jun 28, 2023
Apr 7, 2017

Using SendMyRooms

How to get started using SendMyRoom Client Connection...

Watch the Movies!

We have a suite of SendMyRooms™ Client Connection movies for watching on the Training Movies page.  These cover getting setup, inviting your clients and downloading rooms and calibrating rooms in ProSelect.

Read the Guide!

The SendMyRooms_Guide.pdf is also a great reference covering everything from a photographer's perspective.

This manual is automatically installed with ProSelect 2017r1.6 and newer - after installation, you will find it under the Help Menu in ProSelect.  

It can also be downloaded from the documentation section of the main ProSelect Downloads page.

The rest of this article is a supplement the Guide and will be regularly updated with answers to any frequently asked questions that arise. 

What is SendMyRooms™ Client Connection

See this page on the main website for an overview.


Who can use SendMyRooms™?

SendMyRooms™ integration is built into ProSelect 2017r1 and newer and is a free service for all users with current  PLUS

How long are the images available for?

Uploaded client images are kept on the SendMyRooms™ server for up to 6 months from the date that you send them an invitation or seven days after the scheduled Viewing date. You can send an invitation at any time in the three-month period prior to the viewing date.

Can I download the images outside of ProSelect?

Yes. In the SendMyRoom Management Area, you can preview thumbnails of the uploaded images, download them directly in your browser and remove them from the SendMyRooms server.

What happens if my clients lose the access link?

You can still direct them to the login page which is simply and provide them with their eight character ID code eg "ABCD-01R5" and password. Remember the password is the same for all of your clients - you can choose this in the Setting Area of SendMyRooms (see the Guide). Neither the ID code or password are case-sensitive.

Can I use the same invitation link for members of an extended family?

Yes, you can but we recommend that you send each group their own separate invitation by creating a separate new viewing under a different name. This way they can each upload up to 12 images and have control over their own images. Also, the system may not work as expected if both parties are using the same ID code at the same time.

Do I need to verify my email address with Amazon?

No, but we recommend it. This will allow your emails to be sent using your email address (rather than the generic which looks more professional and also greatly decreases the chance that the emails are rejected as spam. The verification process is very simple - just follow the instructions in SendMyRooms Guide.pdf.

After you click through to the Amazon website from the "long link" in the email that they will send you and the page says "Congratulations, You have successfully verified an email address...", you are all done. No need to sign up or register for any other Amazon services that they might offer you on the page. We (and lots of others) have asked Amazon for the ability to customize the content of that page but no response so far!

I use Gmail or Outlook and the "Edit in Email App" button doesn't work.

To use an on-line email system you need to configure both your SendMyRooms Settings and your browser. See this article: Setting up On-line Email Browsers.

I have setup Email Notifications for uploaded rooms but have not received any emails.

Rather than send you an email every time a new image is uploaded by one of your clients, SendMyRooms consolidates these and only sends out notification emails every 3 hours. If you have just uploaded some rooms then it may take up to three hours before you receive an email notification. ProSelect's messages are updated more frequently, so you can setup SendMyRoom to also send these messages to you, you can check them from within ProSelect by clicking on the messages icon in the "Working with bar".

I sell the same day as I shoot can I use SendMyRooms without a Viewing Date?

Yes, when inviting a client just set the viewing date to be your scheduled shoot date. You probably want to also turn off the viewing date reminder that is, by default show on the client's Welcome page. You can do this on the Edit Settings page in the Management Area. See the SendMyRooms_Guide.pdf.

By default, the SendMyRoom calls your client appointment a “Viewing session”, however in the Settings section of the SendMyRooms Management area, you can change the session name to "Portrait session” or "Ordering session” or just "Session" to best suit your business. You can also change the description of the session in the email templates area.

Can I add the Client Tutorial movie to my website?

Yes, you can! There are two ways you can do this:

Method A: Embed the movie directly in your website using the following HTML code:

 <iframe style="display: block; width: 640px; height: 360px; margin: 0 auto; border: 0;" src="" width="640" height="360" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>

This will display the movie centered in the inserted location at the recommended size of 640 x 360 pixels. You can change these numbers to other sizes but you should maintain the same aspect ratio of 1:1.7777 to avoid black space at the edges. The embedded movie will appear as shown below.


Method B: Add a link to a page on your website. A simple text link would use this code:

Using SendMyRooms™ to send us your room images

The above code will look like this: Using SendMyRooms™ to send us your room images and will open an unbranded Introduction page on where the movie can be played.  

We have also provided a special link in your My Account area - > Extras -> section that will display the above page with your studio branding. 


The format of this link is  where XXXX is your studio ID code.

Note: Please note that we reserve the right to update the contents of the movie without notice if we deem that any changes will benefit the majority of our users. It is also a requirement that you include the trademark symbol as shown above.

I noticed that the Client Tutorial Movie is slightly different sometimes. Why is this?

The client tutorial movie in the Introduction page covers everything from manually logging in to uploading digital camera images from a computer. However since most clients will simply click the invitation link on their mobile device, we have a shorter movie shown in this case. If they do log in via a computer, we show a version that covers both using a mobile device or uploading from a computer, so they are aware that the mobile option is available (and actually easier!).

Can I replace the Client Tutorial Movie with my own version?

Yes, you can! In the Setting Area, you can select to show the standard SendMyRooms movie or enter the full URL for the location of your own movie's on the internet. Your movie can be located on your own website, YouTube, Vimeo or anywhere else. The URL that you enter needs to start with https://.  Your movie's content needs to refer exclusively to using SendMyRooms website site only and no other competing services or products of ProStudio Software. Failed to abide by these rules may result in you being banned from using SendMyRooms.


KnowledgeBase Article: Using SendMyRooms