Run Quick Slideshow

When Working with Images, Products, or Books, select Run Quick Slideshow by clicking on the Slideshow button .  It is located on the right-hand side under the Actual Size view button.  This will start running a Quick Slideshow from the beginning of the currently selected image tab, product set, room set, or book.  It will stop automatically when it gets to the last image/product in the current set.  This works the same way in each Working with Mode.

When using Presentation Mode, the Presentation Screen will play the slideshow while your main display shows you a control screen.


Right-Click Options

When you right-click on the Slideshow button , a drop-down menu with options appears.

  • Start: This will start the slideshow from the beginning of the set.
  • Start Paused: The slideshow will open, but it will be paused.  When you are ready, push the spacebar to start the slideshow.
  • Play from location: The slideshow will begin from the currently selected image/product, not from the beginning of the set.  
  • Play Looped: The slideshow will play continuously on a loop until it is manually stopped.
  • Quick Start with theme: You can choose a slideshow theme other than the default using this list.
  • When Starting, Play...: The Quick Slideshow Default will play.  If you wish to play a different slideshow, you can select it here.  This setting is saved with the album file.  To set the default, go to the top menu, ProSelectEdit > Settings > Slideshow > Options > Default.

Playing Slideshows  
Esc or Mouse Click  Stop slideshow
Spacebar Pause/play slideshow
Option + Alt + Start paused
Shift + Play from location
Cmd + JCtrl + J Start
Option + Cmd + JAlt + Ctrl + J Start Paused
Shift + Cmd + JShift + Ctrl + J Play from Location
Down Arrow Move image to yes, no, or maybe tab (if enabled in settings)
Right Arrow Jump to next slide
Left Arrow Jump to previous slide
Shift + Right Arrow Jump to next section
Shift + Left Arrow Jump to previous section