About Ordering


Important Info - Changing a Price List Mid-Order

If you modify the price list after ordering items, the prices for the already ordered items will remain unchanged. Only the prices for newly ordered items will be based on the updated price list.  You can manually change them in the Edit Order dialog.

The options displayed when clicking on the Order Product tool can be customized in your Settings.  Go to the top menu, ProSelectEdit > Settings > Pricing & Ordering > Order Menu.  For example, if you do not sell digital files, you can hide them from the Order menu.

Options include:

  • Show Price List: The currently selected Price List is shown here.  Use the drop-down arrow to view other price list options.  If you only use one price list, you may choose to hide this.
  • Auto add zero price list item: When you order a product not predefined in the Product & Pricing Manager, ProSelect automatically creates a product based on the paper size and presentation option, assigning it a price of $0.00, marking it as Included, or leaving the price blank.
  • Composite Products Use Print Pricing: If you order a Composite Product without an existing price list item, ProSelect will automatically calculate a price based on your print pricing.  Provided that the size and Presentation Option of the composite product and the print match. 
  • Include Other Available Sizes
  • Include Other Available Options
  • Include Digital Files: This list is a direct reference to the Digital File options options set up in the Product & Pricing Manager.

When in Thumbnail view, select all product thumbnails (use Cmd + aCtrl + a) then click on the shopping cart.  This is a quick and easy way to get a subtotal for an order without actually ordering any items.

Please note that the total will not include any Custom Products (products not set up in your price list), as their value will appear as 0.00.

To hide prices throughout ProSelect, go to the top menu, View > Show Prices.  Uncheck "Show Prices" to hide all prices.  Prices will be hidden on the Info Bar (Working with Rooms), the Order Menu, as well as the Review Orders window.  Please note that you cannot show/hide prices while the Review Orders window is open.  You will need to close it first, change the hide/show prices setting, and then open the window again.

When in the Review Orders window, you can also hide the order subtotal.  Use the gray arrow next to "subtotal."

On the top menu under Orders, you can select the option "Clear All Orders."  This will remove ALL Orders associated with the currently opened Album.