Working with Rooms Shortcuts

Working with Rooms  

Show reference numbers when in Show Room view or Close-Up Room view

Up Arrow Larger size (selected items)
Down Arrow Smaller size (selected items)
Delete Remove selected items from the room
Tab Hide all except thumbnails
Spacebar Toggle the background to black/white in Actual Size view
Shift + Drag The product(s) will only move horizontally or vertically based on mouse pointer position
G Show/hide grid
Up/Down Arrow Increase/decrease grid size (when grid is displayed)
Shift + OptionShift + Alt Move the grid origin point
Option + DragAlt + Drag Reposition image within opening
Option + Arrow KeysAlt + Arrow Keys Nudge position of selected item(s)
Option + Alt + Maximize image to see mat and frame detail when in Actual Size View

Actual Size View & Show Room View
Up Arrow or + Show next larger size
Down Arrow or - Show next smaller size
Option + DragAlt + Drag Reposition image within opening
Ctrl + DragControl + Drag Disable snap guides
Shift + OptionShift + Alt Swap images in a product with more than one opening *Show Rooms view only
Left/Right Arrows Cycle through Wall Grouping configurations
X Toggle or show Wall Grouping details *This shortcut does not apply to Working with Images 

All Viewing Modes  
Right Arrow Next *This shortcut does not apply to Working with Rooms
Left Arrow Previous *This shortcut does not apply to Working with Rooms
Shift + Click

Select a range of items

Cmd + ClickCtrl + Click

Add / remove single items in a selection

Cmd + ZCtrl + Z Undo 
Shift + Cmd + ZShift + Ctrl + Z Redo 
Cmd + ACtrl + A Select All
Cmd + DCtrl + D Select None

Toggle between Thumbnail & Show View


Toggle between current working with mode and Working with Images


Toggle between current working with mode and Working with Products


Toggle between current working with mode and Working with Rooms


Toggle between Show view & Cropping view


Toggle between Show view & Actual Size view *This shortcut does not apply to Working with Slideshows


Open the Quick Order window *This shortcut does not apply to Working with Books or Slideshows

Tab Hide all except thumbnails
Option + Alt +

Hide / show image list on Presentation screen

Cmd + PCtrl + P

Open Print Order/Invoice Report dialog

Cmd + MCtrl + M

Turn on/off Presentation Mode

Cmd + GCtrl + G

Apply/Remove Protect Images Stamp