Additional Shortcuts


Option + ClickAlt + Click Copy to clicked set
Option + DragAlt + Drag Copy when dragging to new set


Editing Book Designs  
Option + ApplyAlt + Apply Lock a book design


Confirmation Boxes  
Option + ActionAlt + Action Bypass most confirmation boxes.  e.g. Delete order item, delete all orders
ESC Cancel and close


Price List & Ordering  
Shift + Control + Lock Price List Unlock price list
Q Open Order menu
Shift + Expand/collapse all products in the Review Order window


High-Res Production  
Shift + Open in Photoshop Opens image in Photoshop with Perfectly Clear retouch preset on separate layer
Option + Check AllAlt + Check All Checks all boxes in every tab in Production.


Find Original Images  
Shift + Find Menu Item Force to relocate all images in new location


Watch Folder Operations  
W Setup or restart Add From Watch Folder
Esc Pause a running Watch Folder


Shift + Program Launch ProSelect Reset Options


OptionAlt + Refresh Mark all PSD files as orange (out of date) 
OptionAlt + Open Image Show the selected image in Finder/Explorer


Pretouch Images Window  
Spacebar Hold Show original image
Down Arrow Preview next image
Up Arrow Preview previous image
Right Arrow Show with next preset
Left Arrow Show with previous preset
1 - 9 Set intensity 10% - 90%
0 Set intensity 100%
Shift + P Open the Pretouch Images popup menu

General Shortcuts  
Esc Exit and close a popup window

Product & Pricing Manager  
OptionAlt + Add Group In the Paper Sizes dialog, If you have multiple paper sizes selected, this will automatically add them to a new group
OptionAlt + drag Move product templates into different folders
OptionAlt + Add New Item This will keep the Product dialog open when adding a new item to the "price List Items"
OptionAlt + Save When pricing products, this will save the price across ALL price lists.
OptionAlt + Delete When deleting price list items, this will delete the item immediately without asking for confirmation first.