Working With Rooms - Layout




Use the Image List to access all available images in the album.  You can drag and drop images into Product Templates and Rooms.

Click on Image List to learn more.

The Display Area is your workspace.  

The Room Resource Area is made up of two different folders, Library Rooms and Album Rooms.  You can set up your Library and Album rooms by going to the top menu, Resources > Setup Rooms.

Important Info

You must set up your Rooms before you can use them when Working with Rooms.

When a product is selected, specific details are listed in the Info Bar.  There is also an opportunity to make adjustments to the product.

Left Column
  • Virtual Style : If a virtual style has been applied to the product, the Virtual Style tool and name will be displayed here.  Use the left and right arrows to scroll through other virtual style options.
  • Traditional Mat : If a traditional mat has been applied to the product, the Traditional Mat tool and name will be displayed here.  Use the left and right arrows to scroll through other mat options.
  • Frame: If a frame has been applied to the product, the Frame tool and name will be displayed here.  Use the left and right arrows to scroll through other framing options.
  • Edge: The Edge tool will appear if the selected product is a gallery wrap.  The edge type will be displayed here.  Use the left and right arrows to select a different edge type.
Center Column
  • Paper Size:  If the product was created using a template, the paper size and template name are listed here.  For print products, the paper size and image name are listed.
  • Size of Openings:  If the product has more than one opening, the size of each opening is listed here.  
  • Overall Size (including mat & frame):  This is the paper size plus the mat & frame, if applicable. 
  • Combined Wall Size: When working with Wall Groupings, or if you select multiple products at a time, the overall size of each item, plus the gaps in between create the combined wall size.
Right Column
  • Template Sizing Mode:  This will be either "Fixed" or "Dynamic," depending on the product.
    • The words "Scaled to fit" will appear in Show Products view as well as Cropping view.
    • The words "Actual Size" will appear in Actual Size view.
  • Total Price: When Working with Rooms, the Template Sizing Mode is replaced with Total Price.  This is the price for all the items currently in the room.  When no product is selected, the Total Price will still appear.  If you do not wish to show prices, go to View > Show Prices.

  • Notes: If you have a note attached to the product, you can click on the Notes tool to View/Edit the note.
  • Product Type:  The product type is displayed here.  Print Products and Composite Products can be converted to Gallery Wraps and vice versa.  Click on the drop-down arrow to convert your product.  If no drop-down arrow appears, the selected product cannot be converted.
  • Presentation Option: The selected presentation option of your product is listed here.  Use the drop-down arrow to choose a different one.
  • Mat Overlap: The amount of mat overlap on traditional matted products will be shown here.

The following is a list of all the Views available.  Unless noted otherwise, they are available in all Working with Modes.

Thumbnail View

Show View

Cropping View *not available in Working with Slideshows

Actual Size View *not available in Working with Slideshows

Run Quick Slideshow *not available in Working with Rooms

Close Up Room View *only available in Working with Rooms

Show/Edit Ken Burns Focal Points *only available in Working with Slideshows

You will notice as you enter each Working with Mode or View,  different tools become available on the right-hand toolbar.  If a tool button is grayed out, it is currently unavailable to use on the selected image or product.  Some tool buttons are available in multiple Working with Modes and Views.  Each View has a recommended workflow.  See the page on each View for more information on the options available.  For a list of all Toolbar Tools, click here.