Glossary of Terms


New for 2024: Old Term > New Term

Mirror Image Mode > Presentation Mode

Virtual Mats > Virtual Styles

Mat Designs > Mat and Style Designer

Price Lists and Products > Product & Pricing Manager

Print Paper Sizes > Paper Sizes

Preferences > Settings

Template Manager > Product & Pricing Manager

Surrounding Mat > Traditional Mat

Inner Mat > Virtual Style

Template Editor > Product Editor

Layouts > Products

Select Size View > Actual Size View


Album: A ProSelect job containing images from a session, event, or wedding.

PSA File: The file extension for a ProSelect Album.  This file contains internal images for viewing, order and product data, and client information.  It contains links to original images, but not the full-resolution files.

Working with modes:  ProSelect has five Working with Modes.  Working with Images (WWI), Working with Products (WWP), Working with Rooms (WWR), Working with Books (WWB), and Working with Slideshows (WWS).

Sorting tabs:  This area contains the “Smiley” tabs (Yes, Maybe, and No).  When in Working with Products, Working with Rooms, and Working with Slideshows, an additional Products tab is added.

Information Bar: The area below the main working area.  It shows details regarding the screen above.

Prints: A single image ordered at a specific size.  By default, Prints are dynamically sized based on your Paper Sizes. 

Products: Any orderable item in ProSelect.

Composite Product:  A product that can contain one or more images rendered on a single sheet of paper or other media.  The rendered area may contain a Virtual Style that adds edge treatment to images and background decoration.

Traditional Matted Product:  A single image or a group of images where a traditional mat will be added when creating the finished product.

Traditional Mat: A physical mat with cut openings, usually with bevel edges, that is overlayed onto an image(s) as a part of the framing process.

Virtual Style:  A graphic enhancement to a composite product that can be as simple as a keyline around an image, a single color background, or a complex combination of edge treatments, textured elements, and graphic blocks.

Graphic Block: An element available in the creation of a Virtual Style that can contain colors, graphic elements, and textures for use on composite products.

Product Editor: Also referred to as the "Template Editor."  The Product Editor is used to design a wide range of product templates to which you can add your images and sell.  It allows you to create your own templates or copy and modify any others that you have.

Light and Dark Mode: Formally themes, ProSelect now uses OS system settings.