Product Editor Shortcuts

Product Editor  
Cmd + zCtrl + z Undo 
Shift + Cmd + zShift + Ctrl + z Redo 
Option + ApplyAlt + Apply  Re-size the template to fit the new opening size dimensions
Shift + Save button Changes will immediately be written to the ProSelect Data File

Sizing Openings  
Cmd + ClickCtrl + Click Add or remove items from the current selection
Shift + Drag Opening(s) The opening(s) will only move horizontally or vertically based on mouse pointer position
Shift + Drag Re-Size Handle Forces the opening(s) to maintain their current aspect ratio
Option + Drag CornerAlt + Drag Corner With multiple openings selected, this will re-size both the opening and the spacing between openings proportionally
Shift + Option + Drag CornerShift + Alt + Drag Corner With multiple openings selected, this will re-size both the opening and the spacing between openings proportionally as well as keep the same aspect ratio
Arrow Keys Nudge opening(s) by 0.125" (2mm) or by set Auto-Space amount if enabled
Shift + Arrow Keys Nudge opening(s) by 0.5" (1cm)
Option + Arrow keys Alt + Arrow Keys Nudge selected opening(s) by 0.125" (2mm) if Auto-Space is enabled

S Toggle to next snap option
Control + DragCtrl + Drag Disable all snap functions

Using the Grid  
R Toggle to next grid option

Showing Measurements  
M Toggle measurements on/off
Option +Alt + Show internal spacing between items (openings, guides, and edges)

Guides and Auto-Spacing
G Toggle guides on/off
Option +Alt + Swap guide handle side
Control + Drag GuideCtrl + Drag Guide Allow the guide to move freely
Option + Drag OpeningAlt + Drag Opening Temporarily disable auto-space gap snapping

Template Tools  
Option + Alt + Rotate template left

Opening Tools  
Cmd + cAlt + c Copy selected opening(s)
Cmd + vAlt + v Paste selected opening(s)
Option + Alt + Bring opening to front
Option + Alt + Send opening to back
Option + Alt + Reorder all openings starting with #1 in the bottom left
Shift + Reorder all openings making #1 the largest opening

Opening Alignment Tools  
Option + Alt + Align openings by extending (stretching) the shorter ones
Shift + Option + Shift + Alt + Align openings by extending (stretching) in both directions
Option + Alt + Preserves the current opening size when distributing 

Template Design  
Option + Tilt Alt + Tilt Tilt an opening 0.25 degrees on each click