
Before creating any orders within an album, it is recommended that you set up your client details.  Any items you add to an order will need to have a client attached.

  1. Click on the Add New Album Client button.
  2. Manually enter the details for the new client, or link to your Studio Management System.
  3. Click on the Save Changes button.

By default, albums have one client set up.  All orders will then be assigned to that client.  If you have more than one client, select the client first before adding any items to the order.

  1. Go to the top menu, Orders > Select Client.
  2. Choose a client from the list.
  3. Once selected, all items ordered will be attached to the selected client. 

You can delete a client by first selecting the client, and then clicking on the Delete button on the right-hand side of the Client Management dialog.  Please note: you cannot delete a client that has any ordered items assigned to them.  You must first remove all ordered items assigned to that client from the Review Order window.