Thumbnail Tags

Thumbnail tags are labels that help you organize and track where an image or product is being used and its purpose.  Images, Products, and Rooms can all have thumbnail tags. 

Showing thumbnail tags is on by default.  To hide them, go to the top menu, View > Show Thumbnail Tags, and deselect it.


Product Type

Item has been ordered.

The image has been ordered as a digital file.

A Traditional Mat has been applied.

A Virtual Style has been applied.

A Frame has been applied.

The item has been edited and reloaded.

Pretouch has been applied.

The image has been flipped.

The item has been flagged as a favorite.

The image is being used in a Product.

The item is being used in a Room.

The image is being used in a Book.

The item is being used in a Slideshow.

The product is in a Price List.

The product is Fixed Size.

The product is Dynamically Sized.

The product is a Stacked Size.

The item has a note attached.

The album set will play in random order (Working with Slideshows).

Star Rating.