Production Profiles

Production Profiles allows you to configure output settings for your final image files according to your needs.  Options include:

You have the flexibility to create multiple production profiles to cater to the varying requirements of the different labs you work with.  You can also continue to work with the default profiles created, customizing them to your needs.  The default production profiles will be used unless another is specified in Pro Production.

Important Info - Automatic Generation Based on Supplier
  • When a Supplier is enabled, ProSelect automatically generates a Production Profile corresponding to that supplier.  Go to the top menu, Production > Production Profiles to edit and customize the newly created profile.
  • However, when a Supplier Collection is downloaded, ProSelect automatically generates a locked Production Profile corresponding to that supplier.  These particular production profiles can be renamed, but not edited.


  • The digital file tag indicates the production profile is specifically for producing digital files.
  • The book tag indicates the production profile is specific to books/albums.
  • The products tag indicates the production profile universally works for all prints and products.
  • Add, Edit, or Remove a production profile using the buttons on the right-hand side.
Important Info - Creating New Production Profiles

Please be aware that ALL newly created production profiles in ProSelect are created using the default settings.  It is the user's responsibility to edit and customize these profiles to meet the specific requirements of their lab.

The Default Production Profile is designed for managing the production of all Prints and Products, except for books or digital files, which require their own specific profiles.

Product Profile Settings
  • Name: Default Production Profile.
  • Supplier: Optionally select your Supplier from the list.  The supplier must first be enabled.  Go to the top menu, Products > Suppliers.
  • Sub Folder Name: Optionally add a Sub Folder Name here.  A supplier code will populate this box if the production profile was autogenerated for a specific supplier.  Use this code or create your own.  This is in addition to the default Production Sub Folder created in Settings.  Go to the top menu, ProSelectEdit > Settings > Pro Production > Output Settings > Product Sub-folder Options.
  • Output Resolution: Specify the resolution needed by your lab or printer. The module adjusts the final image size accordingly.
  • Output Format: Options include JPEG (with compression setting), Flattened TIFF, or Layered Photoshop file. For further post-production work, choose the Layered Photoshop file format.
  • JPEG Quality: We recommend a minimum of High (8).
  • Photoshop Options:
    • Images in Clipping Masks: This option uses clipping masks instead of cropping, allowing image repositioning for Layered Photoshop files. It's typically unnecessary with ProSelect's current features and best left unchecked.
    • Use PSD Files for Overlay Images: When using composites with overlay images and a corresponding .psd exists in the template overlays subfolder, the .psd layers will be included separately in the final image, useful for text layer adjustments.
Output File Names

Output file names are limited to a maximum of 80 characters to accommodate lab requirements, with an adjustable slider for length preference.  If an output filename exceeds this limit, it will be shortened from either the left or right side, based on your Settings.  Go to the top menu, ProSelectEdit > Settings > Display > Calibration & Options > Filenames.  The standard format for output filenames includes the image filename, print paper size, unique order number, order quantity, and the file type extension.

Sample Filename: Image Filename 12345-8_0x10_0-01-Q02.jpg

  • Max. Length:  Use the slider to adjust the length of the filename.
  • All Files: Include the print size (8_0x10_0) and order quantity (Q02) to aid in identifying print specifics.
  • Composite Products Only: Use Main Image Name: This utilizes the main opening's image name, which is beneficial for single-image prints.
Multiple Prints
  • Create a separate file for each print: By default, if a print is ordered multiple times, production will output the file just once. However, if you enable the option to include the quantity in the output file name, you can easily identify how many copies are needed.  Alternatively, you have the option to create a new file for each copy ordered.
    • for quantities less than: Select a quantity here. 
    • Repeated Image Number Prefix: Choose a prefix to be added after the image name.
Non-Standard Image Sizes

When dealing with images that are non-standard sizes, either because they've been cropped or are based on a specific template, you can utilize the mapping area feature.  This allows you to pair a particular paper size you're working with to a corresponding lab size.  Once selected, your images will be automatically centered on the chosen lab-size paper. Any additional space around the image will then be filled with a color of your choosing.  This ensures your images fit perfectly on the lab's paper size, despite their original dimensions or any adjustments you've made.

  • Click on the fill color to adjust it.

The Digital File Profile is designed for managing digital files only.

Digital File Profile Settings
  • Name: Default Digital File Production Profile.
  • Supplier: Optionally select your Supplier from the list.  The supplier must first be enabled.  Go to the top menu, Products > Suppliers.
  • Sub Folder Name: Optionally add a Sub Folder Name here.  A supplier code will populate this box if the production profile was autogenerated for a specific supplier.  Use this code or create your own.  This is in addition to the default Production Sub Folder created in Settings.  Go to the top menu, ProSelectEdit > Settings > Pro Production > Output Settings > Product Sub-folder Options.
  • Output Resolution: Specify the resolution needed by your lab or printer. The module adjusts the final image size accordingly.
  • Output Format: Options include JPEG (with compression setting), Flattened TIFF, or Layered Photoshop file. For further post-production work, choose the Layered Photoshop file format.
  • JPEG Quality: We recommend a minimum of Very High (10).

The Book Profile is designed for managing books only.

Book Profile Settings
  • Name: Default Book Production Profile.
  • Sub Folder Name: Optionally add a Sub Folder Name here.  A supplier code will populate this box if the production profile was autogenerated for a specific supplier.  Use this code or create your own.  This is in addition to the default Production Sub Folder created in Settings.  Go to the top menu, ProSelectEdit > Settings > Pro Production > Output Settings > Product Sub-folder Options.
  • Output Resolution: Specify the resolution needed by your lab or printer. The module adjusts the final image size accordingly.
  • Output Format: Options include JPEG (with compression setting), Flattened TIFF, or Layered Photoshop file. For further post-production work, choose the Layered Photoshop file format.
  • JPEG Quality: We recommend a minimum of Very High (10).
  • Photoshop Options:
    • Images in Clipping Masks: For Layered Photoshop files, this option uses clipping masks instead of cropping, allowing image repositioning. It's typically unnecessary with ProSelect's current features and best left unchecked.
    • Use PSD Files for Overlay Images: When using composites with overlay images and a corresponding .psd exists in the template overlays subfolder, the .psd layers will be included separately in the final image, useful for text layer adjustments.
Quick Tip - Combine or Split Double Spreads

During production, ProSelect offers the option to either combine or split double-sided book pages based on your book manufacturer's requirements.  To adjust this setting, navigate to the top menu, Products > Setup Book Designs in ProSelect.  Select the book you're working with and click on the Edit button. At the bottom of the dialog window, you'll find the "Produce Spreads" dropdown list where you can select "Combine into Double Spreads" to merge pages or "Split Double Spreads" to separate them.