Edge Treatments (Opening Edge)

For advanced product templates, the Openings section and Options sub-tab give you control over the edge treatments for each opening. By default, "Borders Outward" is selected, where any border enhancements like keylines or bevels extend outward from the outside edge of the opening.  Alternatively, choosing "Borders Inward" causes these enhancements to move into the image area, reducing the visible image area and altering the aspect ratio.

When a virtual style is applied to a product template and "Borders Inward" is selected, a red border will be displayed.  This border shows the area that the virtual style will affect, with its width determined by the specific virtual style applied.

Practical Example

Using the above template, populating it with images, and applying a virtual style results in the following:

  • Opening 1: Borders Outward - the keylines start from the outside edge of the opening and extend outward.
  • Opening 2: Borders Inward - the keylines are moved into the opening area, resulting in a reduction of the visible image area and a change in aspect ratio.
  • Opening 3: No Edge Treatment - the keylines will not appear.  The image will take up the entire opening.
Practical Example: A Single Image Product

The following example showcases the difference between Borders Outward and Borders Inward on a single image product.  Although subtle, the placement of the keyline and spaces are different.

Borders Outward:

Borders Inward: